Ema Kryworuczka

Ema Kryworuczka

Ema Kryworuczka

Role: Author, Marketing Specialist

Covers: TUI

Contact: ema@codesium.co.uk

About the author

Ema (not Emma) is the newest member of our team at Codesium. Originally from Poland, she moved to the U.K. right after graduating from university in Warsaw. Although she is not a native English speaker, her ability to learn quickly is amazing. She loves traveling and communicating with new people.

Ema's responsibilities

At Codesium, Ema has two main duties: managing our social media profiles and regularly connecting with fashion, travel, and lifestyle bloggers. Brands on Codesium are promoted on third-party websites (if they wish), and Ema is the person who finds these bloggers and collaborates with them. She is responsible for building an outreach network of individual bloggers and influencers who promote brands listed on Codesium. This is a win-win situation: bloggers share helpful offers with their audience, while brands listed on Codesium benefit from exposure to new audiences.

If you own a website or are an influencer and think that the brands promoted on Codesium would be a good fit for your audience, get in touch with Ema. She will be happy to discuss the details of our potential cooperation.

Ema's savings tips

I personally prefer shopping in stores, especially for clothing. However, it's always a good idea to remember the product or take a photo of the label and check the price online. Stores often offer bigger discounts online with promo codes, and you can also get cashback through a cashback portal.

Using a discount makes me feel less guilty about spending too much on shopping :)

Ema's personal philosophy and vision

Ema believes in the power of simplicity and efficiency. She strives to stay positive and enjoy every little thing, even if it’s just saving a few pounds at her favorite store.

Our team

Ema is just one member of our team. Meet the rest of our team:

CEO, Author, Voucher Code Tester
Author, Deal Guru, Voucher Code Tester